ALCO ~ Adult Learning Center Osceola

Dance Classes


Dance Studio Slides

TICKETS for Recital

Glenda's Dance Center is using a the same ticketing agent again this year, called Dance Ticketing to purchase Recital Tickets.  Gone are the days coming to the Studio, waiting in line, and spending your valuable time purchasing tickets.  NOW, you can do it right here, from the convenience of your own living room, office, or wherever you are!

Tickets for "Recital 2023-24" (June 1st, 2024) will officially be on sale staring Monday, May 6, 2024, at 9:30 AM.

Tickets are $15 per ticket (regardless of adult/child).  There is a limit of 7 Tickets per Family, NOT per Dancer.




All tickets will be emailed or delivered directly to your mobile phone.